This is the lovely Sing of Singature Style blog. I had the opportunity to meet her last Dec. while participating in the Renegade Holiday show in Chicago <3 It was great meeting her in person and yes she's just as cool in person as she appears in her blog! Check out her interview below:
Sing - Chicago, IL
1. How do you describe your personal style?
Classic with a twist.
2. Where do you find/pull inspiration from?
Blogs of the everyday woman, celebrity fashion, and streetstyle photos.
3. Name one fashion accessory you can't live without?
A hat, it's my signature.
4. I never break this fashion rule........
Wearing statement earrings with a statement necklace. One statement at a time for this girl.
5. Your next must have purchase?
Red colored jeans.
6. Most underrated item in women's wear?
A scarf. You can do so much more with it than tie it around your neck. I love to use them asheadwear and belts.
7. For all the fashionistas, provide one piece of invaluable fashion advice:
Keep an open mind and shop everywhere. Great finds can be had in the most unlikely of places.
Absolutley <3