Lagelle, the Art of accessorizing.........: Hot Ice Princess, recycled lammy's

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hot Ice Princess, recycled lammy's

This is the ever so talented Kinchimama of flickr! I posted her website where she sells lovely children's clothing & accessories a couple of post back. I've purchased a couple of items from her & adore each one. She is super duper talented! Here is what she had to say about this photo:

"A couple of years ago I was asked by a magazine to do something with 3 old lammycoats for a special on 5 designers that would recycle a fur coat.
I was about to say no, cause I don't like fur for humans but figured if I'd turn it into something non status-increasing and practicly unwearable it would be fun. And good exposure:)

I turned the coats inside out, reconstructed everything using two for the skirt, one for the top. The little roses I painted on by hand. I left everything raw edge, and let the half collar flap hang loose to create a medieval look:)"

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! what an amazing design!!!!
    Now that's talent!!! going to see her now!


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